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Helpful hints for packing and storing books, magazines, and media:

book storage


  • Use small boxes in order to avoid over packing and making the boxes too heavy. If you do use larger boxes, only fill the bottom of the box and use lighter items such as pillows or linens to fill the excess spaces. Use strong, durable tape.
  • Use a piece of cardboard to separate layers of books if you are standing them instead of stacking. This will help create a firm base for the next set of books. Use linens to fill any height gaps as needed.
  • Slip a sheet of plain, white, copy paper between valuable books to prevent them from sticking to each other. Never use newspaper or anything with print as it may transfer.
  • Lots of children’s books? Take advantage of rolling suitcases and pack them full!


Be thrifty and make your own magazine holders using cereal boxes!

  • Place valuable magazines in specialty pouches and store in a binder. These can be found at most collector or specialty stores.
  • Be weary of storing magazines in cardboard boxes. Instead, use plastic to keep them out of the moisture. If you do use cardboard, wrap the magazines in paper and then cover with cellophane.
  • Take advantage of magazine holders. Fold cardboard over the exposed edges and tape it down to protect them from bending or tearing.

Save space while packing and at home by transferring all your dvd’s and cd’s into binders or media cases!


  • If you keep the majority of your collection in your entertainment center, why not make it easier on yourself and just secure the doors or open sides to keep from opening? Just be sure that it is not too heavy to move!
  • DVD’s can take up a lot of room but are surprisingly lightweight. Use them as space fillers for your books or other heavier items.
  • If you have a large media collection, take advantage of medium sized boxes and line the bottom with them, topping it off with miscellaneous items.
  • There are many great boxes designed for storing CD’s in that are inexpensive and multi-purposeful. In a pinch, shoe boxes often are a compatible size.
  • VHS tapes tend to be bulky and heavy so stick to the small boxes for moving them. This is also handy as most people keep these tapes stored away and not in their immediate media library.